onsdag 30 januari 2013


I feel it's time to write some nonsense.
My social network is full of people who tried to kill themselves and shit
junkies, rich kids, lesbians and anti-fascistic communists
and they're all little pieces of me.
So we try to live together in peace and harmony
yet we're blinded by rivalry and only see our enemies
but all we have is this one planet to share
and sharing is daring.

Misconceptions lead us into misbeliefs and on and on it goes
nobody is ever happy and nothing is for real
I'm just gonna have my last fix and I'm done
if I'm not it'll do me.
I'll be dead and consumption will stop consuming me
all these adhesive ads will no longer fool me

In a fucked up world where all of us are lonely,
where we hate what we are
and try to become what no one should ever be.
Liars, thieves, pimps and prostitutes.
Dictators using their dicks and not minds to control
but who's to blame, power is exciting
and what people do to gain power is no longer surprising.

There are some pretty places where love has stole,
too bad we can't find them in this giant black hole.
There's nothing here to be felt, nothing to behold.
I chose to end it all and said goodbye to life
but as I felt my soul walking away
I made it turn around and say hello
because it's too soon to die and there's nowhere else to go
I know that one day there will be a way out of this heartbreaking cold.

lördag 5 januari 2013

Utilize randomize

The five last photos are taken in Fotografiska, where I went accompanied my two starfish to see the David LaChappelle exhibition. Loved and hated his work, which means it's great.  

fredag 4 januari 2013

You need to change direction

It's funny how we always assume that everything that happens has a reason for happening, and that we believe the reason in question to revolve around ourselves. This way we keep ourselves locked to the idea of life being a predetermined circle of events with the intention of changing us and our destinations in it. Maybe that is, but you're much better off avoiding labels on yourself, people around you and your circumstances. Keep your mind open to the insight that life is unpredictable and you are too.

At least I know I am.

onsdag 2 januari 2013

Rust and bone

Det är den där telefonsvararen som påminner mig om min ensamhet
det är de där minusgraderna som inte ens känns kalla
det är mörkret i vilket jag har lärt mig att se
det är alla mil jag har gått utan att nå fram,
nå framåt
nå framgång.

Min smärta skriker efter dig och jag våndas 
mina tårar har svämmat över och jag drunknar
Jag kan inte mer.
Jag vill inte mer.

Alla gånger jag har fallit raklång
och i alla drömmar där jag har slagit ut mina tänder
för varje tand skulle någon dö,
men jag tror det bara varit olika delar av Mig som har gått bort
jag har några kvar
men jag vet inte vad de utgör. 

Jag föddes med ett pussel till hjärta
som man inte skulle lägga ihop utan plocka isär
och alla jag har mött har tagit sin bit
och rest, långt långt bort ifrån mig
ingen är kvar här
och där jag står finns ingenting 
varje dag har jag sett mig omkring
efter ett ljus, ett hopp, en hand, en tröst.
Efter kärleken som vi alla vill tro finns.

Tro, du måste tro.