tisdag 15 mars 2011

"A book like this"

I chopped an avocado into small pieces, poured the juice of a whole lemon on it and now I'm eating it. It needs some salt, though. Anyway, my little salad made me think of a quotation. There is a quotation that says "When life gives you lemons, squeeze them." isn't there? I'm not sure, but I think so. And if so, I have an opinion to share. THAT MUST BE THE MOST RIDICULOUS QUOTATION I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY NOT SO LONG LIFE. How stupid? Seriously, is that supposed to make ANYONE feel better about ANYTHING? When life gives you lemons, squeeze them? I mean come on. If someone would try to cheer me up by saying that, I'd go Texas chainsaw massacre on their ass.

Yeah that's about all I had to say. I'm travelling again tomorrow and I'll be gone for 15 days. In April, I promise to share a lot of photos. Right now I feel really inspired, I want to exploit that fact to the fullest. And when I'm done exploiting, I'll share. But I have a feeling the inspiration isn't going anywhere. It first came along with my travelling to India, and now my travelling to the Middle-East, but once I come back home... It will be staying with spring and summer.

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