lördag 22 januari 2011

A little story

You're one of those people. One of those people who don't want to admit that they actually, really, truly believe in unconditional love. Everlasting, satisfying, fulfilling love. You went through your early teens pretending like you never gave a shit about anyone, when the truth is you were just wishing you had someone to care for. You've always been the stonecold one, the one that yawns whenever the subject of such an illusion as "love" is brought up. The one whose face reflects nothing but boredom, the one who changes the subject saying "come on, let's talk about next weekend" or "hey everybody, who wants another beer?".

You're the one who is always single. Always up for a night out, always disappointed when your friends turn you down saying they've made plans for a stay-at-home-movienight with their girlfriend or boyfriend. You have the same reaction to it every single time, laughing out loud saying "damn, when did you become such a lameass? Whatever, I'll just have to enjoy myself then". You go home, feeling emptier than ever, wondering if you should call that pickup from last Tuesday's "afterwork".

And then, all of a sudden, just like in the movies(!), you meet someone. Under the most random circumstances, when and where you least expect it, you meet someone who makes you wonder. Someone who teases your heart and not your genitals. You meet someone who turns you into what you've always pretended to despise and but truthfylly, always envied. A person who fills you with hope and belief. All of a sudden, you feel like there is new purpose in life. You have a new reason to get out of bed, and get dressed. You start doing your hair and wearing make-up. You notice how you smile a lot more often, without actually being aware of it. All of a sudden, you are sure you found the one. That one person who is supposed to make all evil go away. The person who is supposed to break down your walls, the one who is supposed to understand you when nobody else ever has. You believe, that this person will do so. You give your heart and soul. You nourish your relationship to this person with everything you own. Your feelings, your common sense of logic, your time, even your money. You will do anything. You do anything.
You give up everything.

But of course. Nothing in life comes for free. This person turns out to be someone else. He or she turns out to be the opposit of who you thought you loved. All the happiness you felt, turns into pain and disappointment more immense and excrutiating than you would have thought was ever possible. And since you gave everything, anything, you're left with nothing. And then, you regret ever believing. But time can not be turned back.

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