tisdag 20 mars 2012

Out of motivation


You had a relationship.

Now you have:

48 common friends on facebook
3 christmas presents
30 -something emails containing parts of your heart
2 framed photos
1,000,000 dried tears
23645 kisses in debt
0,001 piece of his heart
64927 memories good and bad

1 wish.

lördag 17 mars 2012

I only disappoint myself

Maybe you're the answer to my prayers. With your oblivion and lack of attention. Maybe the reason I haven't received the answer to my prayers is because I never pray.

Once again I feel trapped in the past.

I just wonder.

onsdag 14 mars 2012


This song is one of those that just makes your chin drop and your mind go mental with amazement over how there are this talented people, walking the surface of the same earth as yourself.

Thank you Richard!

söndag 11 mars 2012

Rosie Hardy

Rosie Hardy, 21 year old professional photographer. Amazing work, what I love most about her photos is the imagination behind them. They're not really photography to me, more a definition of the (Swedish?) saying; "a picture says more than a thousand words". 

onsdag 7 mars 2012

Trouble so high

You know it's stupid and yet you find yourself there, in the grocery store, in the classroom, in the office, on the toilet, in the kitchen; taking care of your disgusting, weak human body. You feed it like an animal, you give it rest, you shove it with painkillers when the little nerves of ache seek their way through your veins which you'd believed were unreachable until the point when someone changed something and you felt the blood in them freezing. You despise it but you keep doing it. And in your mind there is nothing but nothingness, a deep hollow space where you can hear little cries echoing, calling for something MORE. But their cries are never answered, always ignored until they can't be heard anymore and there's not even any cries left in your mind, only now real deep fucking nothingness. And the nothingness turns into loneliness which seeks its way through you and the soul you thought you didn't have because of its inability to feel anything other than agony, and it takes a firm grip of your heart and squeezes all the blood out and you're expecting a vampire to portray himself and bite you, use you, just do something and turn you into someone else than who you are, someone beautiful and shiny and perfect as the vampires in all the shit stories that people have come up with to bridge yet another gap between the horror of reality and the beautiful world of dreams.

Oh how we long to dream. Every night before I lay down to sleep, to enjoy the best part of my 24-hour days, the part where I don't have to make my every cell suffer to keep myself functioning and adjusted to everyday useless life whilst I feel like jumping in front of the metro I take five times a day. Every night, I wish to dream. And every night, I feel a moment so short I can almost not feel it nor count it as a moment, but yet a moment of eagerness and excitement, a curiosity for what my subconscious beholds and what awaits for me to see.

KONY 2012

Yet another sleepless night, the past 30 minutes I've spent watching "Kony 2012". It touches a matter which I already knew exists, and has existed during a long period of time, but nevertheless does that decrease it's importance. Better late than never.

EDIT: I saw and uploaded this video around 5 a.m. (as noted above), a time of the day during which my critical sense is not very present. With a clear, open mind, I am and advise others to be; suspicious of the "real" cause behind this event and which people who really benefit from it. 

tisdag 6 mars 2012

You'll always be my baby

PICS) Frames of my beautiful soulmate, captured what must have been three years ago, when her hair was still long and hopes had not been lost

måndag 5 mars 2012

Alone with everybody

 the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than

there's no chance
at all:
we are all trapped
by a singular

nobody ever finds
the one.

the city dumps fill
the junkyards fill
the madhouses fill
the hospitals fill
the graveyards fill

nothing else

Charles Bukowski

Birdy - People help the people

lördag 3 mars 2012


I take a giant leap of faith and I decide to not give a fuck anymore. I unlock the chains in which I have kept myself grounded for an amount of time impossible to recognize since it has been for what seems like forever.

You know that feeling when you feel like you've felt something for so long, you can't even remember where it came from or why it chose you to be the one to feel it. And you just want it gone, you want to kill it, torture it and you hate it because of everything it has put you through, but the feeling has it's grip of you like the Stockholm syndrome, you find yourself in love with it, obsessed with it, possessed by it, you can not let it go because you know you won't know who you are without it, because the one you were doesn't exist anymore.

So you thrive in your own unhappiness and you convince yourself that it's just you being apathic, because life is nothing and you are above it, it's just a station between being the magical nothingness of pre-existence, and the incredible holiness of death and the peace that it beholds under it's big beautiful black wings.

"You can fall for pretty strangers, and the promises they hold"

Is it not amazing, time? Within a period of something abstract that has been pre-decided by men who have lived before us, things are born and things die. You love, you give, you lose, you live on.

And is it not fascinating, how we all walk unaware of what awaits us? I guess that is what keeps most of us alive. Not knowing, and therefore being able to hope, to wish for greatness yet to come.